Managing Absence in the Workplace

Length: 3 hours Location: In-house, or online using Zoom.

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This programme is a practical session that gives participants the confidence to deal with absence management, helping to reduce absence in the workplace and increase productivity. It delivers practical advice and guidance on managing short- and long-term absence through to medical capability, dismissal, and the law.

Using a selection of exercises, activities and sample documents, the course examines some traditional methods of management as well as some more contemporary and innovative ways of keeping a lid on casual absence.

Participants will take away a number of practical tools and ideas to enable them to target absence improvement when back at their workplace.

Who should attend the workshop

  • Line managers and supervisors

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop participants will know how to:

  • Give a clear definition of what absence is
  • Outline the legal and contractual issues around the management of absence.
  • Have the knowledge to manage absence and to work towards improving overall attendance at work.
  • Produce a plan to review absenteeism in their team and where required, an action list to implement measures for improvement

Workshop format

The format will be informal and participative – everyone has an important contribution to make to the discussions.

A typical workshop will cover:

  • Management theory and research input from the trainer
  • Learning from our shared experiences
  • Small group work to discuss and share ideas

This workshop can be run in-house. Please email [email protected] and we will be pleased to chat to you.

If working online, all participants will need access to a laptop or PC. Zoom joining instructions will be sent as part of the meeting invitations unless the organisation prefers to use its own video conferencing facility. Copies of the slides will be sent out after each workshop.

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