Communicating Assertively With Colleagues and Your Boss

Length: 3 hours Location: In-house, or online using Zoom.

Make a booking enquiry


Do you often feel as though you fail to get your opinions heard, or that people readily dismiss or undermine your views? Maybe you have a habit of handling situations aggressively or lack the confidence to speak up.

You might have felt unable to do anything about it at the time, but by learning how to be more assertive, you can stand up for yourself, and become a strong and confident communicator.

In this workshop we’ll look at why assertiveness is important and explore some strategies that you can use to become more assertive to further both your confidence and influencing skills.

Who should attend the workshop

  • All staff, line managers and supervisors.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify what assertiveness is and how it can benefit you
  • Recognise four types of behaviour in relation to assertiveness and their components
  • Apply assertiveness strategies and techniques
  • Draw up a plan to develop your assertiveness skills

Workshop format

The format will be informal and participative – everyone has an important contribution to make to the discussions.

A typical workshop will cover:

  • Management theory and research input from the trainer
  • Learning from our shared experiences
  • Small group work to discuss and share ideas

Zoom joining instructions will be sent as part of the meeting invitations unless the organisation prefers to use its own video conferencing facility.  Copies of the slides will be sent out after each workshop.

This workshop can also be run in-house please email [email protected] and we will be pleased to chat to you.

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